An Introduction to Sias IS Instruction


Picture this: Student A is given 1 hour of math homework a night to practice mathematical procedures and formulas. Student B is given homework with word problems where she must first consider the question and then devise a mathematical process to solve the problem. Student A memorizes vocabulary and can identify 2500 words in English.  Student B must articulate an argument in English to persuade a classmate using both written and oral English.  Student A takes frequent tests and quizzes to prove their learning to the teacher.  Student B is assessed by demonstrating learning outcomes to the teacher.  Student B can choose how to demonstrate these learning outcomes.  Student A is constantly compared and ranked against her peers based on her performance on tests.  Student B is constantly collaborating with peers to create new solutions to problems and seek ways to navigate the group’s strengths and weaknesses.  Student A is required to practice a musical instrument daily for 1 hour.  Student B is exposed to many musical instruments and sports to encourage her pursuit of her passions and creativity.  

Now, picture this: Student A and Student B are in the workplace.  Does their employer ask them to take a test or to solve a problem?  Does the employer ask them to collaborate on a team or work independently?  Does the employer expect employees to solve problems in creative and innovative ways or to apply the same solution to each challenge? 

In school, students are trained at a young age how to be future employees. The skills they learn as students prepare them for their futures. In most jobs, do employees take tests and regurgitate memorized facts?  Or, are employees asked to problem-solve, collaborate with teammates, and think creatively to innovate? 

At Sias IS, we believe we know what skills are most developmentally appropriate to inspire students to love learning and be prepared for their futures.  This is why our highly-trained teachers are utilizing inquiry-based learning as we seek International Baccalaureate authorization.  It is our job as educators to inspire your students to love learning and become passionate about their school experiences.   

This article is the first in a series of articles that will provide a deeper look into the instructional programs at Sias IS.  It is my hope that we can better help you understand the finer details of what makes our school a special place for children to learn and grow.