Child Safeguarding

Child Safeguarding

Sias IS recognizes the value of children and their intrinsic rights to life, to be protected from abuse and exploitation, and to have their privacy protected, as well as the school’s obligation to promote each child’s physical, emotional, and spiritual development. The Sias IS Child Protection Policy is written to provide information to direct the safeguarding of all children at Sias IS from harm.

All visitors to the school have to view the following video

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) states that all children, without any exception, have equal rights to survival, health, education, participation, and protection. Sias IS is fully committed to protecting and ensuring the safety and dignity of all children and securing their rights. Sias IS ensures that all children, regardless of age, ethnic group, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or identity, are provided the same protection and are entitled to equal access to a healthy and safe education.

Sias IS commits to delivering its programs in a manner that is safe for all children it serves and to actively help protect all children with whom it comes into contact. To that end, Sias IS is committed to this Child Protection document, which consists of a set of policies, procedures, and practices employed by everyone at Sias IS to ensure it is a child-safe organization.

Sias IS acknowledges and appreciates the public documents and other international NGOs from which it borrowed definitions and other content to inform the development of this policy, including Save the Children, World Vision, UNICEF, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), the International Taskforce of Child Protection (ITFCP), and others.